An Integral Theory Approach to a B. Traven Parable


  • Janet Burke Norden Baylor University

Palabras clave:

B. Traven, Corresponsal extranjero


This brief story functions as Kierkegaard's clown,
warning people about unforeseen dangers. The work also reflects Traven's lifelong fascination with political history (Zogbaum xx-xxi; Baumann 56-80; Guthke 107-165), anticipating the paradigm shift from history-as-object to an individual-first-person-perspective in the historical moment and to human emotional life as ethically contributory to that moment. I classify this story as a parable in which Traven envelopes the reader maieutically. Answering the following three questions will make my case for this thesis: what literary devices alert the reader to the parabolic vision, what narrative elements of the story aid the reader to untie the parabolic knot at the end, and why categorize this story as a parable.



